Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Traffic Jungle on the roads

Some of them are just like bees - buzzing and passing by you before you even realize from where they came. Some are like monkeys climbing over one tree to another, changing lanes with such agility and non-bothered attitude that you end up thinking it's their right to do so. Some are like tortoises or creepy crawlies, only difference being they choose the center of the road to display their peaceful pace. Some are like dogs, they choose to think that the whole traffic moves because they honk (read growl). Few are fire flies. They have been out in the late hours and have forgotten to turn off their lights. Some are bunnies, forever prodding people to race against themselves. There are some elephants too, scaring everyone else with a mad stomping like gait.

How would you describe yourself? ...

Next time you are on the road, spare a thought:
Your vehicle has rear view mirrors. Change lanes when you have very little chance to hop in front of anyone else.

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