Thursday, December 3, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. Why do people discuss so much, out of their own habit of nit-picking; that they forget what they were coming to say!?!

2. Yeah, I have started using 'exclamation' marks more often than grammatically permitted. Wonder why? Maybe, that's b'coz the excitement doesn't have any time to be channelized rationally!

3. I asked myself, why anonymous blog? Ah well, if I can think it, I can write it - I dare to own it. Yes, I can. But will you be able to digest all that's put there? From 'someone like me'? ;) I am more than what you know me to be - even more than what I know myself to be - and if that is true - how can we put limits on me or you?...

4. What is the so called "Corporate Culture"? How does it work? Is keeping mum (against your nature) and smilingly obliging the only way to get through the maze? When the cheese is not same for everyone, what can keep everyone motivated? Do all the people who work well, do it for the 'booty' only? Just because there is a promised 'booty', should one be a 'yes man'?

5. How many people truly believe in - "Knowledge increases when shared"? ...

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